high potential therapy equipment Here’s a Quick Way to know (2025)

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high potential therapy equipment Here’s a Quick Way to know (5)

History of Electric Field Therapy (EFT)


The past 30 years have seen an amount of research in the relations between electricity, electromagnetic fields and living organisms. Esteemed researchers and a multitude of respected scientists have shown that abnormal physiology is accompanied by abnormal electrical charge.


While in Western Medicine the concept of energy How in the body has been largely forsaken, many healing traditions from around the world are based on the balance and lions of energy.


The basic Mem in these systems of healing is that illness is caused by an imbalance in the flow of energy in the body and that restoration of normal energy flow can hep restore health. Our bodies are continually producing minute D.C.aurents through both mechanical and chemical means.These currents follow the paths of least resistance which are in essence like an electric gild for the body,This is how, for example, the ECG is made possible.


One very significant effect of Electrostatic that it moves water.With our bodies being about 70% made out of water, anything that has a storng effect on water can profoundly influence the physiology.

How the Electric Field Therapy works

EFT is a simple, non-invasive technique using static electricity which produces fast demonstrable clinical results. The theory is that when an electric filed with high voltage AC is applied on a human body, cells metabolism is stimulated by supplementing ions and the Acid-Base Balance of Electolyte in blood results adjusted.

The H+ flow of ions in the organism cars optimally be clirected.This is important because beside others, the co-ordinates of enzyme, the Ca++houselsold, tire proteins of transportation in the blood and the general acid-base-homeostasis depend on these flows of protons and ions.

Abnormal physiology is associated wills abnormal electrical activity.Correcting the abnormal electrical activity facilitates restoration of normal physiology.

Electric Field Therapy apparatus apply safe levels of high AC voltage potential to the body and create an electrical field around it.This electric field stimulates the sensory receptors in the skin, which in turn stimulates the hypothalamus and other areas of the brain, to promote homeostatic functions. Also, the electric field generates minute amounts of induced current, which permeates the body and stimulates the metabolism.

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What is the Ion Effect?


By passing thousands of volts of electricity through a fixed insulator indirectly alfects the minerals in the blood by forming a thick layer of negative ions around the conductor.This action normalizes the blood by pH buffing.

What is pH Buffing?


The proteins,fats, carbohydrates and other types of nourishment in the fours of food liquids are absorbed inside the body and converted into adds.These adds badly damage the arteries and internal organ; therefore, it is important to regulate the blood pli level to keep it in an alkaline state.

Results of Electrical Treatment on the Body

With negative electric potential, the amount of calcium and sodium ions increase in the serum that makes the blood become base. Potassium front the serum entering the cell increases cell vitality.

The Effects of Connective Cell Tissue on the Cell


The movement of electrolytes becomes normal


The autonomic nervous system stabilizes quickly


The supply of body fluids in the injured location becomes harmonious

Results of Electric Treatment on the blood


An altered blood pl I causes the erythrocytes to pile.up, reducing the free membrane, thus hindering the oxygen delivery and the Ilow of the cells in the micro vessels (capillaries)


With physiological pH, the cells are separated, the free membrane surface increased thus oxygen exchange is boosted.

Consequences of pH-normalization are:


Improved oxygen supply to the tissues


Increased physical performances


Increased metabolism


Normalized hydrostatic equilibrium



Function 1 – High Voltage


Function 2 – Low Voltage


Function 3 – Negative Voltage


Function 4 – Light Wave Energy


Function 5 – Negative Ionizer


The alternating current will form an alternating high voltage variable electric field upon high-tech processing.When fully insulated individual is placed within this electric field, physiological effects will be produced through the electric charges.

Under the influence of tics electric field, extremely weak vibrations will be produced at various parts of the body.lnequilibriurn at various tissues organs Will now be fully rectified. Corresponding movements with the electric field will be produced by the cells, Intercellular cohesiveness will be relieved,and fluids within and without the cells, in particular the mineral ions in the fluids (potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, and Calcium ions) will be redistributed according no their normal valuer (ionic effect).



Produce the ionization effect on the surface of the body as well as the surrounding atmosphere.


Promote fluid electrolytic process to regulate the potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium,chlorine, and calcium ions in the body fluid to their normal values.


Increase the content of calcium Ions In the body fluid and stabilize the pH value of body fluid.


Two-way regulation of blood vessels, reduce blood pressure, blood fat level and purify the blood while promoting blood circulation, improving microcirculation, and keeping the blood pH value at weakly alkaline state.


Relieve nervous system fatigue and enhance the conductivity of the nervous system.


Activate cells, regulate the concentration of potassium, sodium and chlorine Miss wither and without the cells, and increase the permeability of cell membrane.


Stimulate metabolism and expedite the process of lipolysis.


Regulate the equilibrium between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.


Promote healing of bone fractures and reduce the depletion of bone calcium.


Relieve fatigue, shoulder pain.


Promote peristaltic movements to facilitate defecation and urination


Revitalize the hypothalamic activity and regulate endocrine disorders.


Remove any abnormal brain waves and magnetic waves to improve sleep quality, relieve headache and drowsiness.


Through high-tech processing, the alternating current will form a negativly charged low-voltage static electric field which will have beneficial effects on the entire body.



Regulate the celeral cortex,autnomous nervous system as well as endocrine functions.


Reduce stress as well as physical and mental fatigue, improve work efficiency.


Enhance memory, improve sleep, relieve headache and drowsiness.


Two-way regulation of blood pressuredieduce the viscosity of blood and expedite the disintegration of blood sugar.


Improve the body’s responsiveness and adptability.


Regulate the serum protein A/G (albumin/globulin) ratio, increase the sodium, calcium and gamma globulin content in blood serum while reducing the potassium,magnesium, phosphorus and albumen content.


Upon processing with sophisticated technology,a high voltage negatively charged static electric field will be established, which will induce static effects and polarization in human body to fully restore the body’s resting energy.

The high-voltage negatively charged static electric field disrupts all the original distributions of electric charges within the body, resulting in the redistribution of the charges.The various components of tissue:water. electrolyte,colloidal molecules. etc.Will be moving freely among the cells due to changes in potential difference, producing a series of biophysical and biohemical changes,which will promote the physiological functions as well as changes to the morbid states of tissues and organs.This is enhance the body’s regulatory,adaptive, nourishing, immune and metabolic functions.



Replenish the negative ions in the body and enhance the body’s biological energy.


Restore the morbid potential difference of cell membrane, so that the cells remain in a polarized state.


Stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system and regulate autonomous nervous system disorders.


Activate gamma globulin and enhance the body’s immune system as wells as its natural healing power.


Remove vascular convulsions, and suppress sympathetic nervous systern secretion.


Relieve inflan)mation. pain, sedate the mind, induce sleep, promote healing of wounds, relieve skin allergy and itching so that the complexion remains always glossy and elastic.


Release electrons to get rid of free radicals.


Promotes the formation of ATP, activate the cells and enzyme functions. Activate the various coenzymes, expedite the disintegration and metabolisn) of carbohydrates. proteins and fats, promote oxidation reversion.


Reduce the burden of liver, activate the gastrointestinal tissues, and expedite the excretion of waste products and toxins.


Regulate the body’s state of equilibrium. Remove the ‘magnetizecreffects of physical magnetic fields.


Promote the oxidation reversion of blood stream, and maintain the optimal pH value of the blood. Revert the acidic substances to mildly alkaline (pH value between 7.36 to 7.44), improve the blood coagulation functions.


Improve the gas exchange functions of lungs, increase the activity of trachea cilia and secretory functions of mucous membrane.


Through high-tech artificial means, the medium frequency field in the high-speed vibration frequency will produce a stable alternating current high-voltage negative medium frequency electric field, which can be focused onto the entire body to help maintain the equilibrium of our biological energy (heat energy,electrical energy, mechanical energy and chemical energy), to replenish our body with the dynamic energy.

The medium frequency electric field experiences 72,000 changes of potential difference within each second, are creating 72,000 vibrations in all our cells per second.



Warming effect on the body, promote blood circulation, improve microcirculation.


Promote blood flow and nerve conductivity.


Expedite the disintegration of fats for slimming purposes.


Improve vitality, relieve fatigue and other health conditions.


Negative ions enter our human body mainly through respiration.They can regulate the resting potential difference of our cells, remove any abnormal brain waves, sedate our minds, promote sleep, reduce the blood pressure aswell as blood sugar,cholestrol and potassium levels.They also fortify our heart muscles, improve nutrition to our heart muscles, improve the functions of lungs and the expiration of carbon dioxide.The negative ions can effectively reduce the 5- seroton in level in the blood, enhance the nerve as urine nitrate and muscle anhydride levels.They promote metabolism, increase the blood calcium level, expedite the growth of bones,while reducing blood sugar level and the lactic acid level in muscles.They also help improve the body’s responsiveness, acivate the functions of reticular endodermal system, enhance the body’s immune system, stimulate the endocrine glands, promote the gastric secretion, inhibit the growth of bacteria as well as purifying the air around us.



What is this machine and what are the benefits of using this machine?
This is a medical machine that can neutralize acidic blood and return it to mild alkaline. It has the dual function of providing treatment and prevention of illness.


How is it different when compared with massage machines?
The massage machines only provide partial treatment whereas Electric Field Therapy focuses on entire body treatment or “Root Treatment”.


Is thisElectric Field Therapyharmful to the human body?
No,Electric Field Therapyis very safe to use as it only emits positive and negative charged ions that are found naturally in the human body.


Are there any side effects?
No, there are no side effects as no medications or injections are given, but in the initial stage of using the treatment, you may experience some healing crisis. These will only be a temporary ”detoxifying” response and you will soon recover.


What is “Healing Crisis”?
After starting the treatment and before full recovery of the illness, you may feel light headaches, heaviness, tiredness etc. These are normal detoxifying responses that will disappear soon.


What isthe electricity consumption?
Its consumption is 30W, which is lower than Fluorecent lamp.


How long should you use the Electric Field Therapy each day?
It’s a good idea to start with an initial treatment time of 20 minutes and than gradually increase this time to suit your physical condition. No matter how brief the treatment time, it is essential that you continue the treatment daily, without missing a single day.


Can children also use it?
It can be used by anyone regardless of his or her age. As with adults, children need to adjust the treatment time according to their adaptability. For babies from 1 month old up to people ninety years of age, it is extremely relaxing and very safe.


What kind of illness can be treated with the Electric Field Therapy machine?
For people suffering insomnia, chronic constipation, headaches, shoulder, neck and back pain, it is 100% effective by using the machine daily it will purify the blood, improve total body circulation, balance the nervous system, improve overall health and prevent disease.


Will I become addicted to the machine?
No, it is not using chemicals or medicine, it is natural, using – IONS, the same electro-static electricity in your body.


How long can I use it?
It depends on your problem most people can use up to 3-4 hours whilst sleeping.
However, you must gradually and slowly increase the time.


Can women use it under menstrual cycle?
Yes, even better by removing the dry blood clots in the uterus. There will be more thicker darker blood, to prevent cancerous acidic elements.


Why using it sleeping?
While your body is lying in a level state your mind is meditating and relaxing thus allowing your body’s natural healing power to work. By using the machine it generates 3 times better effects and quicker results.
You can break up the different time frames, 1 hour in the morning, 1 hour in the afternoon and 1 hour at night. Average use while sleeping 2-4 hours.


Should I continue my medicine after undergoing the therapy?
Yes. Medicine prescribed by doctor should be continued.


Will thepartial energizercause any damage to nerves?
NO, it only works on the surface of your skin to remove blood clots by using a slight heating effect. Knowledge of acupuncture points is a plus but it can be learnt over time by practice.

What is high potential therapy equipment Role, benefits?

Even though recent reviews were unable to provide evidence of efficacy for several oral and topical complementary treatments for rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a group of researchers in Japan decided to clinically evaluate the effectiveness of static electric field therapy by high voltage alternating current (EF-HVAC) in the chronic inflammatory autoimmune disorder, given the method’s prevailing use in headache, shoulder stiffness, chronic constipation, and insomnia among patients who fail to respond to conventional therapies.

For their randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled study published in the July 2013 edition of the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, Yuji Naito, MD, PhD, and colleagues from the Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine treated 24 patients who fulfilled the American College of Rheumatology’s criteria for active RA diagnosis with either EF-HVAC therapy provided via medical equipment maker Cocoroca Corp.’s Legacis Plus System or sham therapy for 12 weeks, and then observed those patients for four weeks after treatment.

At baseline, four weeks, eight weeks, 12 weeks, and 16 weeks, the researchers calculated and compared the patients’ 28-joints disease activity scores based on C-reactive protein (DAS28-CRP), visual analogue scores (VAS) for pain, swollen joint scores, tender joint scores, modified health assessment questionnaire responses for arthritis functioning, as well as “changes in laboratory measures of biomarkers: erythrocyte sedimation rate (ESR), rheumatoid factor (RF), matrix metalloproteinase-3 (MMP-3), and CRP.”

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What is this machine and what are the benefits of using this machine?
This is a medical machine that can neutralize acidic blood and return it to mild alkaline. It has the dual function of providing treatment and prevention of illness.


How is it different when compared with massage machines?
The massage machines only provide partial treatment whereas Electric Field Therapy focuses on entire body treatment or “Root Treatment”.


Is thisElectric Field Therapyharmful to the human body?
No,Electric Field Therapyis very safe to use as it only emits positive and negative charged ions that are found naturally in the human body.


Are there any side effects?
No, there are no side effects as no medications or injections are given, but in the initial stage of using the treatment, you may experience some healing crisis. These will only be a temporary ”detoxifying” response and you will soon recover.


What is “Healing Crisis”?
After starting the treatment and before full recovery of the illness, you may feel light headaches, heaviness, tiredness etc. These are normal detoxifying responses that will disappear soon.


What isthe electricity consumption?
Its consumption is 30W, which is lower than Fluorecent lamp.


How long should you use the Electric Field Therapy each day?
It’s a good idea to start with an initial treatment time of 20 minutes and than gradually increase this time to suit your physical condition. No matter how brief the treatment time, it is essential that you continue the treatment daily, without missing a single day.


Can children also use it?
It can be used by anyone regardless of his or her age. As with adults, children need to adjust the treatment time according to their adaptability. For babies from 1 month old up to people ninety years of age, it is extremely relaxing and very safe.


What kind of illness can be treated with the Electric Field Therapy machine?
For people suffering insomnia, chronic constipation, headaches, shoulder, neck and back pain, it is 100% effective by using the machine daily it will purify the blood, improve total body circulation, balance the nervous system, improve overall health and prevent disease.


Will I become addicted to the machine?
No, it is not using chemicals or medicine, it is natural, using – IONS, the same electro-static electricity in your body.


How long can I use it?
It depends on your problem most people can use up to 3-4 hours whilst sleeping.
However, you must gradually and slowly increase the time.


Can women use it under menstrual cycle?
Yes, even better by removing the dry blood clots in the uterus. There will be more thicker darker blood, to prevent cancerous acidic elements.


Why using it sleeping?
While your body is lying in a level state your mind is meditating and relaxing thus allowing your body’s natural healing power to work. By using the machine it generates 3 times better effects and quicker results.
You can break up the different time frames, 1 hour in the morning, 1 hour in the afternoon and 1 hour at night. Average use while sleeping 2-4 hours.


Should I continue my medicine after undergoing the therapy?
Yes. Medicine prescribed by doctor should be continued.


Will thepartial energizercause any damage to nerves?
NO, it only works on the surface of your skin to remove blood clots by using a slight heating effect. Knowledge of acupuncture points is a plus but it can be learnt over time by practice.

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high potential therapy equipment

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High Potential Therapeutic Apparatus, High Potential Therapy Device, high voltage electric field therapy, High voltage electrostatic therapy equipment

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high potential therapy equipment Here’s a Quick Way to know (2025)


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